Saturday, May 16, 2009

Organizing your Coupons and Inserts

So many of you have asked me how I organize my coupons and my inserts. I've tried MANY differents ways from Binders, to the little plastic bill organizers with the rubber band (I outgrew that one!), to a couple different coupon boxes and this is what has worked for me. I got both ideas from Money Saving Mom and I heart CVS. You can tweek them a little, not break down the catergories as much, whatever works for you! :o)

Coupon Box
(I ALWAYS keep this in my car and never enter a grocery store, Target or Walmart without it! You NEVER know when you will see a clearance item that you already have a coupon for to make it an even BETTER deal!)

You will need: A shoe box or something similiar in size, small envelopes, and index cards

I have a cute little box that I've filled with envelopes, labeled by catergories and subcategories.
The individual envelopes were made by using small letter envelopes (No. 6 3/4 - 3 5/8 x 6 1/2 in.), cutting the flaps off, and stapling an index card standing up inside.

The envelopes are organized alphabetically with the main categories and then multiple envelopes for each main category. Something like this:

Baby - diapers

Bags -
foil, plastic wrap

And so on. Here are the rest of the categories along with some of what are in the categories and the separate envelopes in parentheses: I bolded the categories which you can either highlight the envelope, use a different color index card (that's what I do) or write it in a different color marker.

Baking (mixes, oil/sugar)
Batteries, film
Canned (meat, soup, vegetables, fruit)
Cereal (envelopes for each brand)
Cleaner (all purpose, bathroom, dish detergent, disinfectant, laundry, furniture polish, floor, glass)
Dairy (beverage, cheese, sour cream/cream cheese/butter, snacks, yogurt)
Frozen (beverage, bread, ice cream, meat, snacks, vegetables/fruit/potatoes)
Health Food
Hygiene (band-aids, deodorant, face, feminine, hair, lotion, medicine/vitamins, shaving, soap)
Jelly, Peanut Butter
Office Supplies
Paper Products (facial tissue, cups/plates, toilet tissue, towels/napkins)
Salad Dressing

I put restaurant coupons, other coupons for non-grocery stores, rebate forms, and any receipts on one side of the box. On the other side, I'll put coupons which need to be organized. The front of the box has envelopes for each store I shop at.

When I make out my grocery lists for each store, I put the coupons I'll be using in these envelopes, along with the lists for the store. I always bring a calculator and a pen in my box, too.

And now for the weekly inserts. I usually cut out the ones that I use frequently or have read that there will be a good deal on in the upcoming week and file the rest away in my file cabinet. You can also use a file box for this too!

Click on the picture below to read a step by step tutorial on how to organize your inserts.

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