Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Works For Me Wednesday

"Shiny Sink"

For me, there is nothing better than coming downstairs in the morning to a spotless kitchen. It makes the whole downstairs feel "clean" to me, crazy I know but it really does. I've had many conversations with friends about our homes feeling chaotic and out of our control at times and once it gets bad, it's usually so overwhelming to get back on track and feels like an enormous burden! Each night before I go upstairs, I add any of the dishes we've accumulated after dinner to the dishwasher, spray down the counters one last time and wipe out the sink. I push start on the dishwasher and head on upstairs for the night!

About a year or two ago, I found FlyLady. This is a GREAT website designed to help you take control of your home. It's a great motivator, but was a little too much for me to stick with, but then again I am NOTORIOUS for starting something and not sticking to it. :o) If you do very well with lots of structure, you may love it and stick with it better than I did. Who knows, maybe I'll get back on her daily email list again.

Anyway, the #1 thing I did stick with and LOVE is the "spotless sink" idea. Basically, it's kind of corny but FlyLady says...

"Your very first BabyStep is to go shine your sink. Don’t listen to those voices that tell you that is not going to help your messy house. This is exactly where I started and this little habit has changed my life! Take this BabyStep in faith and go do it. Here are the directions for shining your kitchen sink. After you do this; you will keep it shiny by drying it out after each time you use it and making sure when you go to bed that it is shining so it will make you smile in the morning. This is how I get to hug you each day! That shiny sink is a reflection of the love that you have for yourself."

To learn more about it, you can check her out here and sign up. It is of no cost and you get cute little motivating emails daily to keep you going.

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